First of all, chose your gown, and then choose your accessories to compliment your gown and you.
Having a good idea of a hairstyle that you like will usually help in deciding on the headpiece.
Match the type of sparkle in your gown with the sparkle in your accessories. Use crystals with crystals, rhinestones with rhinestones and pearls with pearls. Look for a headpiece with similar detailing as your gown. Gold-tone or ivory pearl-accented tiaras are a good compliment to ivory gowns, while silver-tone, rhinestone, and white pearl tiaras best compliment the tones of a white gown. Diamond white gowns are a good match for either gold or silver.
Keep in mind that tiaras are not just for the bride; they are perfect for bridesmaids and flower girls as well.
If you have short or fine hair you will want to decide on a lighter, more delicate tiara that will not require lots of pinning to hold it in place. Brides with shorter hair look best in headband styles or tiaras with a smaller shaped comb.